
Wednesday, June 16


Wednesday- VBS Day 3



Well, as you probably guessed, I did start out my day right this morning. After that lesson from God yesterday, I wasn't about to repeat my mistake. :) Our song for today was called "Tumbleweed" and was so fun for the kids. It talks about how a tumbleweed has no roots, therefore it's "blowin' anywhere the wind may lead"... and how we must have our roots in the Word of God if we want our life to have meaning and purpose. Each year we have an "ABC's" of Christianity song (A-Admit B-Believe C-Confess), and this one is it. What's neat is I think the kids will remember this one since it's so fun, so it's a great memory tool for them to understand how to become a Christian/lead someone else to Christ. The song is really cute. I'll try to post a video of them performing it later.

Today was our rodeo "field day" so we spent most of it outside. We had "barrel races", "calf roping", sack races, cotton candy, snow cones and a bouncy house. :) It was pretty hot, but the kids were just so excited it didn't rain! (There was a slight chance in the forecast so they prayed extra hard yesterday that the sunshine would prevail, and it did!)

Our "life application" for today was that God has a plan for each one of us. The correlating scripture was Jeremiah 29:11  I have to be honest: this verse is SO popular and used so much everywhere, I've never really given a whole lot of thought to the meaning. But today, as I was explaining to the kids in really simple terms, I realized how comforting it is to know God has a plan.

I had a mentor a few years back that always said, "This is not breaking news in heaven!" Meaning, God is not surprised by anything like we are. He knows our heart and our needs before we even do! He cares so much for us. That was actually our lesson yesterday at VBS. As I was talking to the kids about how much God cares for us, I told them, "He knows your name, the color of your eyes, what you are thinking and even how many hairs are on your head!" I looked over at our row of 4-year-olds and said, "Did you know God knows your name?!" One little boy stared up at me with a look of amazement and said, "Oooooh!" Ha ha... I don't think I'll ever forget his expression. I could tell he was understanding that concept for the first time and he thought it was pretty cool.

It IS pretty cool, isn't it? How much God loves us. I am a firm believer that He wants good things for us. Now, I don't mean it's always monetary or tangible blessings. But, I believe it is sometimes! Why are we scared to say that? Jesus said if we want to give good things to our children, how much more does the Father want to give us good things?

I think when God sees our face light up with a smile derived from pure joy, He smiles too.

The day ended with the most awesome chapel service we've had so far this week. I played "Above All", and the Spirit of the Lord came in so strong. I felt such a strong spirit of worship while I was singing. I still find it a little difficult to play the piano and sing at the same time- it really just takes a lot of practice. I always feel that I'm paying attention to one, while the other suffers. But despite the fact that my playing and singing was far from perfect, when I closed my eyes and just sang directly to the Lord instead of to the crowd, I got so blessed. Almost immediately, lots of kids came down to the front to pray. I was told later that 2 got very close to receiving the Holy Ghost, and a few accepted the Lord into their heart for the first time.

Awesome stuff!

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